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~     Composites     ~

"Grasping For Ground"

Levitation Composite_edited.jpg

Levitation Composite

"Hiding In Plain Sight"

Invisibility Composite_edited.jpg

Invisibility Composite

Steps to complete Composite Project:

1. Set up a camera on a tripod, and photograph one image with the subject in frame, and another with just the background.

2. Upload photos onto the computer and then into photoshop using "file" > "scripts" > "load files into stack".

3. In layers, then place the layer with the image of the subjects on top of the layer with the solo-background image.

3. Create a layer mask on the layer with the subject.

4. Use the brush tool, and colors black and white to remove the stool used to position the subject. (Black removes the appearance of an object; conceals; while white reveals it).

5. Click File > Save as Copy > Saved file as JPEG.

What are layer masks? How do they differ from just using the eraser tool in photoshop? How might you use them in the future to create more projects in photoshop?

Layer Masks create a way to erase parts of an image/layer non-permanently. Layer masks differ from using the eraser tool because the layer mask allows selected parts to be hidden and shown, without creating a permanent action that can only be done tediously by the undo tool. I may use Layer Masks in future projects in order to manage what I want to include and remove from my image easily.

Do you believe your project was successful/ unsuccessful? 
I believe my project was successful for the most part. Other than the shadows looking a little off, and the subject's leg's potential to have been positioned higher, I find my project satisfactional.


Based on the learning target, " Practice and demonstrate skills in the manipulation of digital imagery by using photoshop to create a composite image" what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding)? Why do you think?

Based on the learning target, I believe the mastery of my project demonstrates exceeding understanding. This is because nothing that shouldn't be visible is visible, and thus being a well-done composite image. Furthermore, although there is room for improvement, I think the idea behind my photos is a little creative; the illusion of the subject being pulled up to float by loss of gravity, and a candid photo.

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