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~     Vector Landscape     ~

Isabel Bernal_Vector landscape (1)-01.png
Screen Shot 2023-05-30 at 12.33.15 PM.png

Conclusion Questions:

1. Steps to Complete This Project:

1. Open Adobe Illustrator
2. Create a new document and title it "FirstNameLastName_Vector Landscape"
3. Use the shape tool and gradient to create a background
4. Use the pen tool and fill tool to create trees, pinwheels, grass, cliffs, and a picnic blanket for the foreground, middle ground, and background.

- Image trace in order to create the objects smoothly and quickly.

- Use the shape-builder tool to create other objects.
5. Create stars using the shape tool and use the fx tool>select outer glow to create an effect for the stars.

6. Add details using gradients, the fill tool, the pen tool(s), and stroke.
7. Take a screenshot of the work and layers 
8. Save the work and post on wix by going to File> Export as,  PNG file with a transparent background.

2. How do animators and color stylists use Ai in their profession?

Animators may use AI in their profession to create still or moving backgrounds to animate over. Color stylists may use Ai in order to compliment the overall aesthetic of the characters and show.

3. What type of landscape did you set out to create? Did your final product meet the expectations you set for yourself; why or why not? 

I set out to create a forest kind of the landscape. My final product sort of met my expectations for myself. This is because I have not yet finished, however, the product I have so far looks promising.

4. Based on the learning target, what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

based on the learning target, I believe my project demonstrates "Meets understanding". This is because although I have not yet completed my work, and thus some things are missing. It's far enough along to contain most of the requirements and creations needed/tools used to meet the standard.

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