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~     Logo & Branding     ~

Isabel Bernal_Logo.png
Final Logo Design
My Sketches
Isabel Bernal - Business Card.png
Business Card
Screen Shot 2023-03-07 at 1.32.43 PM.png
Screenshot of My Work

Conclusion Questions:

1. Steps To Complete The Project:

1. Sketch some ideas for the logo design 

2. Photograph the favorite sketch and then airdrop it to the computer
3. Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document
4. Place the sketch into the document, and then use shapes and various other tools to replicate and refine the logo sketch

 - Used the shape tool in order to make the most basic designs for the logo
- Used the pen tool to add extra detail

 - Used gradient and the fill tool to add colors

 - Used the text tool to add letters, furthermore using the area type tool to create an effect of words following a curved line. Doing so by inserting a circle, and then using the tool on it, then deleting the circle, and using shear to adjust the text.

- Locked each layer after I was done making adjustments in order to preserve the work and not let things overlap and become complicated to adjust.

5. Grouped all layers within the design 

6. Created cut lines to create the proper format for a sticker; by creating an outline stroke, and offset path, uniting them, and adding a specific color of pink from a downloaded swatch.

7. Download a PDF version of the design with the cut lines and a PNG file without it. The PDF is to create the sticker, the PNG is used for the business cards and website.


8. Download an attached template to create business cards.

9. Add a background color using gradients to make it look nicer.

10. Create a QR code that is linked to the website, and add it on top of the background along with the logo design.

11. Use the text tool to add a name, phone number, and E-mail.

12. Download the business card template as a PDF in order to print them out, and a PNG version to add to the website.

13. Take a screenshot of the logo design and sketches to add to the website, and submit PDF files.

2. What is a cut line? Why is it important to add when making stickers? 

A cut line is a guide for which a machine will cut in order to create a sticker. Thus the cut line is important because it's what allows the design to be detached from the sticker paper.

3. What is branding? How can you use it to market yourself when looking for a job? 

Branding is a way to promote something and be recognized for the service(s). I can use branding to market myself when looking for a job in order to promote myself and my business. Thus, hopefully building up my business's reputation such as other popular logos.

4. Based on the learning target, what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding)? Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.
Based on the learning target, I believe my project exceeds mastery because I met the criteria and tried to keep a simple and aesthetic look. Attempting to be creative while imaging the logo on other products, thus the attempt at simplicity. I also believe the logo is straightforward and does not leave the consumer confused about the service.

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