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~     Learning AI     ~

Isabel Bernal - Drawing_Shapes (2)-02.png
Screen Shot 2023-01-25 at 1.19.20 PM.png

Conclusion Questions:

1. Steps to complete the project:

1. Signed into Adobe Illustrator and opened the file attached in google classroom.

2. Created a new art board within the file.

3. Went to google and searched "Cartoon Robot Images" to look for inspiration to create the robot.

4. I set up the basic shapes I wanted first by using the shape tool and utilizing the widgets within the shapes by dragging them inwards to create round edges. Using the direct selection tool to only select the edges I wanted to round.

5. I used the pen tool to create free lines/curves rather than set/stiff shapes.

6. I grouped shapes, like the robot's hands, in order to easily move them all together and easily connect them with its pen tool-created arms.

7. I used the fill tool and gradient tool to finalize the look/color I wanted to give my robot. Also using the stroke tool to add lines/line art to the robot and adjust its (the lines) thickness.

8. I took a screenshot of the project along with the practice and layers.
9. I downloaded my robot file/image by clicking File> Export> Export as> Use Art Boards> Range: 2> Format: PNG file with a transparent background>Okay.

10. Added and Published my work on this Wix website.


2. What are vector graphics? How do they differ from raster graphics? Give an example of how you would use each type of graphic.

Vector Graphics are images created with mathematical equations. Compared to raster graphics, vector graphics have smooth edges and will keep those edges when scaled rather than being pixels. I would use vector graphics for smooth illustrations, while I'd use raster graphics for old videogame-like designs.

3. In addition to Raster Vs Vector graphics, what are at least 3 major similarities and differences between Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator? 

Three major differences between Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are 1. Illustrator leans more towards illustrative designs, 2. Photoshop leans more towards photo/image editing, and 3. Illustrator has Art Boards, which are like new empty canvases within the same file. Three major similarities between Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are 1. The toolbars/tool options are very similar, 2. The tabs (such as "properties" and "layers") are the same, and 3. overall the entire app layout is very similar.

4. Based on the learning target, "Interpret and explain terminology and practices specific to the graphic design sector by illustrating a Robot using 5 essential Ai skills such as creating art boards, drawing shapes, combining shapes, changing colors and using the pen tool " what level of mastery does your project demonstrates? (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

Based on the learning target, I believe my project demonstrates an exceeding understanding. This is because I met all the requirements such as the minimum amount of shapes. However, I also added extra detail like gradient colors, extra lines/shapes within the shapes, several uses of the pen tool or those details, and curved edges.



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