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~ Monster Portrait Composite ~

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Conclusion Questions:

1. Links:
2. What are some of the different compositing techniques you used (ex: Clipping masks, adjustment layers, etc.) and where did you use them?
Some of the different compositing techniques I used are clipping masks and adjustment layers. I used this when adjusting the brightness, color balance, etc. of certain aspects within the layer and folders.
3. What was the most challenging part of this project? What did you do to overcome this challenge?
 The most challenging part of the project was figuring out the adjustment layers and overall the painting of the face. It was difficult to make designs while only using a mouse. I overcame this challenge by trial and error, and being steady with the mouse while utilizing symmetry lines.
4. Based on the learning target, what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding)? Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.
 I believe this project exceeds the learning target. I believe this project demonstrates that level of mastery because I added more than one image into the project, and further developed effects using the brush tool, various adjustment layers, and editing through the selection tab.

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