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~ Identity Collage ~

Identity Collage_Isabel Bernal.jpg
Screen Shot 2023-12-11 at 10.33.09 AM.png

Conclusion Questions:

1. Steps to create project:

  1. Used the internet to find high-resolution images which represent my ideas during my brainstorming and sketching.

  2. Saved the images to a folder on my computer so they're easier to find.

  3. Imported my self-portrait photograph to my computer. 

  4. Opened Photoshop, went to File>New, and named the assignment “Identity Collage_Isabe Bernal”.

  5. Set the width to 11 inches and the height to 8.5 Inches, made sure the background was set to “White", and clicked “Create”.

  6. Imported the images that represent my identity and my self-portrait.

  7. Used layer masks to remove backgrounds and blend modes to combine the images in interesting ways. Also removing any unwanted backgrounds of images. Also using effects to enhance some images and their features.

  8. Took a screenshot of my work/layers.

  9. “Saved a copy” of my final image as a JPG file.

  10. Added my final collage to a new page on my wix website. 

  11.  Saved and published my site. Turning the link in on Google Classroom.

2. Define the terms as they relate to Photoshop: Blend modes,  layer masks, and adjustment layers. Give a specific example of how you used each of these in your identity collage. 

Blend Modes: An effect you can add to a layer to change how the colors blend with colors on lower layers.

Ex. I used blend modes to make some images smoothly merge with others; such as overlay. 

Layer Masks: A feature in image editing software that allows for the selective editing and manipulation of specific areas of an image. It is a grayscale image that is associated with a layer, and it determines the transparency of that layer in certain areas.

Ex.  I used layer masks in order to remove some backgrounds, and hide or reveal anything I wanted to from several images.

Adjustment Layers: A special type of layer that manipulates the color and tone of the layers beneath them.

Ex. I used adjustment layers to adjust some coloring in some images.

3. How does your college represent your identity? What specific images did you use and what do they represent about you?

My collage represents my identity in various ways. Such as the paintings on the right, relating ther meaning to the way I feel sometimes/bits of my life/how I act. Or through more obvious means like the Mexican flag, flowers, and skulls, representing my culture. Some things have double meanings/symbolism, like the pocket watch representing time and my like of pocket watches, and skulls representing my culture and previous thoughts of death/mortality.

4. What was successful in your project? What was unsuccessful and what would you do differently next time to solve this problem?

I think the most successful part of my project is brainstorming and creating a piece within the time given. Overall I also think the piece came out really well.

5. Based on the learning target, what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

I think my project demonstrates an exceeding level of mastery. This is because I used a lot of images (over the minimum amount) and most if not all of them have some sort of personal meaning or symbolism to them (as seen in my response to the third conclusion question).

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