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~ Book Cover ~

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Isabel Bernal - Cover Mockups.jpg
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Conclusion Questions:

1. What book did you decide to redesign the cover for? Why did you choose this book? 
The book I decided to redesign the cover for was The Great Gatsby. I chose this book because I've seen the movie, and so I felt knowledgeable in what the cover should portray. I also really like the story.

2. What parts of the plot did you use as inspiration for your book cover design? 

 The parts of the plot I used as inspiration for my cover design were the Jazz Age setting, Gatsby's character/story, Gatsby and Myrtle's deaths, and the dock and greenlight.


3. Steps to create the project:

  1. Sketched various designs on a piece of paper
  2. Once settled on a design, looked for images on internet to replicate the design
  3. Downloaded images into a specific folder
  4. Opened Adobe Photoshop(PS)
  5. Opened Google Classroom and navigated to Project 2: Book Cover Design
  6. Downloaded the Book cover template and opened it in Photoshop. 
  7.  Recalled knowledge using blend modes, layer masks, etc.  
  8. Used the text and shape tools to add titles, sub-titles, etc. to my cover. 
  9. Added final details like the publishing company logo, etc. 
  10. Exported Cover designs as JPEGs by going to File>Export>Artboards
  11. Opened Google Classroom to navigate to Project 2: Book Cover Design
  12. Downloaded the Book Cover mockups and opened them in Photoshop 
  13.  Inserted my completed cover designs onto the mockups using File>Place Embedded and then using "Command Shift" to fit the mockups 
  14. Save Mockups as a JPEG by going to File>Export
  15. Added my Mockups and Original Cover Designs to a new page on my Wix website 


4. What was the easiest and what was the most challenging part of creating your cover?

 The easiest part of creating my cover was coming up with the ideas and sketching the cover. The most challenging part was executing that with random images on the internet.

5. Based on the learning target, "Students will redesign a cover for a famous book that appeals to a modern literacy audience by developing, proposing and refining artistic ideas, plans, prototypes, and production processes for media arts productions.  " what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

 I believe my project demonstrates a "Meets" mastery. I believe my project demonstrates that mastery because I put a lot of thought into it, went through the checklist, and made several sketches for the design. However, I did not finish the back side of the book and I feel I could've been more careful with some things (time did not permit).


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