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~ Silent Film ~


(Go to Naomi's Page (Film would not post on youtube))

Conclusion Questions:

1. Steps to create the project:

1. Worked with my team to create a storyboard for the Silent film
2. Decided our cast and planned meeting times to film
3. Created a poster sketch
4. Edited filmed media by cropping, adding color, overlaying titles and adding audio on CapCut.
5. Created final poster using Photoshop and skills like blending, text, overlays, etc.
6. Saved completed film as an MP4 

2. What was the easiest part of the process of making a silent film? What was the most difficult part? How did you overcome it?

 The easiest part of the process of making a silent film was creating the storyboard and poster. The most difficult part was relying on everyone and having. clear schedule. There wasn't really any specific way to overcome it, I just sort of let it happen since I had no control over what was going on.

3. What was the experience of working with a group like? Did everyone carry their own weight and contribute equally to the production process? Why or why not? 

 The experience of working in a group felt very upsetting. Everyone did carry their weight but it felt like they singled me out and took too much control of the production process. I still tried to contribute but I was sort of put in the back seat. 

4. Based on the learning target, "Understand the component steps and skills required to design, edit, and produce a Silent Film by producing a storyboard, script, audio and video clips that use characterization, style, and related elements for specific aesthetic purposes ". What level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding) Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

 Based on the learning target, my project demonstrates a "meets" understanding. This is because although we learned and understand the process, our execution could've been better. An example being some of the camera shots and placement of camera angles.


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